1976 (fot.Z.Łagocki)

Electroacoustic Music Studio of the Academy of Music in Cracow (SME)

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Founded in 1973 and noted for its importance as Poland's main didactic computer music facility, the Electro-Acoustic Music Studio at the Cracow Academy of Music is the first major center for electronic music to be established in Poland since the opening of the Warsaw Polish Radio Experimental Studio in 1957. By the end of 1973, the initial purchases of mostly analog E.M.S. equipment had defined the Studio's basic technical orientation.
Magdalena Dlugosz
Its main educational objective, set by its director, Jozef Patkowski in 1974, was its use in the teaching of a 2-year course in electronic music composition to students in the Conducting, Composition, and Theory Departments as well as course for Ear Training for all students at the Academy. In 1997 studio opened the advanced course for computer music including education over most advanced computer music programs. Studio facilities were utilized by faculty and invited composers including: Dennis Anderson, Marcos Battistuzzi, Mateusz Bien, Marek Choloniewski, Marcel Chyrzynski, Gloria Coats, Martin Davies, Magdalena Dlugosz, Anna Dudzinska, Hector Fiore, Bartlomiej Gliniak, Piotr Halasa, Eero Hameenniemi, Ryan Ingebritsen, Kerry Kenny, Michail Kirkoff, Krzysztof Knittel, Hanna Kulenty, Hye-Won Lee, Charles Lipp, Enrique Macias, Anna Maciejasz-Kaminska, Mehdi Menjiqi, Mario Arenas Navarrette, Keir Neuringer, Andrea Pensado, Eugeniusz Poplawski, Kazimierz Pyzik, Isidore Rudnick, Jozef Rychlik, Boguslaw Schaeffer, Pekka Siren, Joanna Stepalska, Pawel Szymanski, Ewa Trebacz, Joanna Wnuk-Nazar, Barbara Zawadzka, Anna Zawadzka-Golosz, Lidia Zielinska and Pawel Ziolo. The Studio has also been involved in the production of music for film, theater, tv and radio.

Since 1976, the studio faculty has presented a series of concerts (over 60 to date) which have given an outlet for the performance of the works of excellent composers from Cracow and the world. The following composers and performers have been guests of the Cracow Studio: Kevin Austin, Richard Boulanger, Roman Berger, Lars Gunner Bodin, Krzysztof Czaja, Charles Dodge, Juraj Duris, Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Alain Jaffrennou, Wilfried Jentzsch, Zbigniew Karkowski, Tadeusz Kassatti, Thomas Kessler, Daniel Kientzy, Piotr Kleczkowski, Wlodzimierz Kotonski, Stanislaw Krupowicz, Henryk Kusniak, David Mason, Robin Minard, Yann Orlarey, Mark Polishook, Krzysztof Szlifirski, Daniel Teruggi, Iannis Xenakis, and Peter Zinovieff.

1989 witnessed a turning point in the history of the Studio when the American Fulbright Foundation began a program at the Cracow Academy of Music. Over the next eight years, five experts in the field of computer music, Dr. Ira Mowitz, Dr. Richard Boulanger, Dr. Cindy McTee, Dr. Rodney Oakes and Dr. Mark Polishook installed a complete computer music system based on the Macintosh computer, and gave a series of lectures, seminars, concerts, and TV and radio programs concerning the history, technology and aesthetics of computer music. The following people and organizations funded the acquisition of additional equipment: Berklee College of Music, Stendal Foundation, Dr Richard Boulanger, David Mason, Mark of the Unicorn, Shareware Music Machine, Coda Music Technology. In 1991 studio initiated and organized in collaboration with the Warsaw Academy of Music annual Courses for Computer Music as an additional educational project: Cracow 1991, Warsaw 1992, Katowice 1993, Warsaw 1994.

Between July 3 - 7, 2000 studio was the cooperator of Acanthes workshops realized by IRCAM/Paris - the join-project between 3 European Culture Capitols: Cracow, Helsinki and Avignion (host city of Acanthes workshops). Since 2000 Studio has been arranging series of .Audio Art. lectures and seminars. A number of young students at the electronic music studio in Cracow Academy have been invited to work in renown European and American computer music centres.

In 2001 Multimedia Studio was founded opening new significant structure of research, education and artistic activity including video, Internet, audiovisual and experimental activity.

In 2003 Studio in its 30th anniversary was a part of European project Ensemble Spiel coordinated by Music für heute in Hannover.

In 2004/2005 the new Interactive Multimedia Laboratory extended the current studio research and fascilities.

In May 2005 SME initiated the procedure of establish The Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (PSeME), part of the International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music in Bourges (CIME) supported by UNESCO. September 22, 2005 during General Assembly of CIME in Lisboa Poland became the full member of International Confederation for Electroacoustic Music.

In 2006 SME became a cooperator of European Course for Musical Composition and Technologies project supervised by IRCAM in Paris as a part of the Leonardo da Vinci program supported by European Comission. The project is a cooperation between 8 selected European centres and is dedicated for new standard in education joining composition with new technologies.
In December 2006 SME coordinated the Polish-American Festival for Electroacoustic Music in Krakow, project initiated and supervised by Ben Boretz and Dorota Czerner, together with the Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music, supported by Trust for Mutual Understanding.

In 2007 SME together with PSeME coordinates the 50th Anniversary of Polish electroacoustic music.

SME cooperates with many electronic music and intermedia centers all over the world.
Since 2009 SME cooperates with new Recording Studio coordinated by Mateusz Kobialka and Kamil Madon.

SME stuff:
1. Marek Choloniewski (studiomch@wp.pl, www.studiomch.art.pl) - head of SME
2. Madgalena Dlugosz (zbdlugos@cyf-kr.edu.pl)
3. Barbara Zawadzka (zbzawadz@cyf-kr.edu.pl)
4. Mateusz Bien (domnie@ceti.pl)
5. Krzysztof Knittel (knittel@o2.pl, http://knittel.wizya.net)

6. Michal Pawelek (mlpw@wp.pl)
7. Marcin Paczkowski (dyfer@kki.pl)
8. Marcin Strzelecki (erbarium@gmail.com)

View from the roof of the Academy of Music in Cracow


www.bridges.art.pl www.muzykacentrum.krakow.pl