
Friday, October 11, 4.00 P.M. – Concert Hall

Jon Nelson (Denton) – Physical Modeling using gen~ in Max/MSP

Panayiotis Kokoras (Denton) – Soundscape Composition strategies using real-time corpus-based timbre browsing

Manuel Rocha Iturbide (Mexico) – Resonance and vibration in sound art

Krzysztof Gawlas (Cieszyn) – Quasi una tanpura

Saturday, October 12, 10.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Todor Todoroff (Bruxelles) – Wireless wearable sensors combined with sound analysis, synthesis and transformation algorithms for live performances

Germán Toro-Pérez (Zurich) – Linearity and simultaneity: about the use of resonators in Prologue von Gérard Grisey

Alla Zagaykevych (Kyev) – Transformation of spectral techniques in the Šarūnas Nakas’ work “Ziqquratu I – III (in 1998 – 2012)

Andrea Szigetvári (Budapest) – political situation (suddenly distorted the society) with my system resulting unexpected distortion of music

Denis Kolokol (Krakow) – New gestural performance

Dariusz Mazurowski (Gdansk) – Music and technology – endless race?


2.00 P.M.

Andrzej Klosak (Krakow) – Acoustic simulations as part of the creative process

Krzysztof Szlifirski (Warsaw) – xxx

Michal Libera (Warsaw) – Archeoacoustics

Piotr Wojciechowski (Warsaw) – Stylistic determinants in Andrzej Dobrowolski’s music for instrument and tape

Marek Choloniewski (Krakow) – Extended vacuums and silences resonating nowhere

Barbara Bogunia (Krakow) – Mystical Automata: A Diachronic View of Human Speech Synthesizers

Mateusz Bien (Krakow) – flimp, integrated audiovisual system

Justyna Stasiowska (Krakow) – Body Electric – body as a device in music

Antoni Michnik (Warsaw) – Feedback: different ideas and uses. Selected works of Anthony Conrad and their context

Maria Majewska (Poznan) – Electronics in opera works by young Polish composers


Sunday, October 13, 2013, 10.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Ostap Manulyak (Lviv) – Futurism and Ukraine. Resonance after 100 years

Kacper Sokolowski (Bialystok) – A brief look at the evolution of popular music

Alicja i Grzegorz Bilinski (Krakow) – Corrosion

Jan Piotr Cieslak (Krakow) – Echotectonicum machinamentum

Lukasz Szalankiewicz (Poznan) – Small labels resonance

Edyta Masior (Krakow) – Visible/Nonvisible – about resonance by experience

Wojciech Janiszewski (Krakow) – Selfresonance

Leszek Hefi Wisniowski (Krakow) – Resonance, interference and beats in selected flute techniques

Natalia Balska (Krakow) – Sound waves and emotional states

Marek Pluta (Krakow) – Between science and technology?

Marcin Strzelecki (Krakow) – Resonating algorithms
